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Help Locals in Need

A local couple is going through a difficult time.  She is pregnant with their first baby and has been hospitalized due to chronic hypertension. Pregnancy is considered high-risk. The baby has a heart defect and will require immediate surgery when born and remain in the NICU or Cardiac Intensive Care Unit for about six months until he is ready for subsequent surgery. She is almost out of paid leave and at high risk of having the baby early.  Please keep them in your prayers and donate below if you can.  Thank you!


To donate money**, you may contribute here with a single donation below.


You may also contribute by sending a check made out to:

Project Connect

P.O. Box 1772, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 

You may also donate gift cards for groceries or gas.  To donate gift cards, please CONTACT US for drop-off instructions.

**We are a non-profit corporation and have an IRS 501(c)3 designation.  As such, your donation should be fully tax deductible.  Check with your tax advisor for any advice on deductions. 

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Project Connect

P.O. Box 1772

Dripping Springs, TX 78620


Tel: 832-953-5328

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